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The Sad Saga of our Southern Fence

Fence as seen from across Wellington Farm Drive

During August we had a rather vicious wind storm which knocked down part of the fencing by Lake One. In addition, there was added damage during the November windstorm. Repair of the fence has been hampered because there is some significant erosion on that hillside and the fencing companies are reluctant to complete the work until the erosion is addressed. It is not yet clear who is legally responsible for the erosion, and we are exploring the problem with our lawyer. We have cleaned up the debris and are working to get our fence repaired!

As of May 16th, we met with our attorney. Dan is following up with FHSD since the erosion is either due to their road or the adjacent land (different landowner). FHSD is following up with the other landowner since they believe it is due to runoff related to their land. FHSD is getting back to us with any progress. They mentioned if no progress is forthcoming from the other landowner they will work with us on getting it fixed. Then we can work on our fence.

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